Here you can find various updates from our lab. Most of these are shared during our "Celebratory Fact of The Day" section in our weekly lab meetings!
2024 -
Pär is officially an Associate Professor!
Ellen received the funding for the NSF grant “Risk communication in low- and high-affect contexts”
Emmanuel won the top paper award in the Scholastic Journalism Division/Student Papers division at the summer AEJMC annual conference!
Pär and his wife are expecting a second child!
Pär’s application for associate professor at the University of Gothenburg has been accepted! He will be confirmed after a lecture on the 28th of May.
The lab is getting a new PhD student in Fall 2024 - McKenna Pace.
Hayley recently passed her qualifying exams and is now officially a PhD Candidate!
Cathy’s submission won for Outstanding Climate Change and Health Research Abstract for the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine!
Michael successfully presented his dissertation proposal last week!
Ellen welcomed a new grandchild!
Two new blog posts were launched on the site!
2023 -
Website re-design launched.
Tingyu presented and won Top Paper Panel Award @ National Communication Association – Communication and Social Cognition Division
- “Less is More” Matters in Comprehending Graphical Data - Tingyu Zou, Brittany Shoots-Reinhard, Ariel Nadratowski, and Ellen Peters​
Pär’s study: “Learning Later in Life: From Description and Prediction to Prevention and Intervention” received grant funding!
We successfully submitted a small center grant proposal to NIH entitled “Climate Change and Health Risk Communication: A Community Participatory Approach”
Ellen did a podcast, See Hear Feel with Christine Ko on emotion and numeracy in decision making (October 18, 2023).
We brought on three new Research Assistants!
Sophie Bier, Ashna Rajbhandari, and Ester Kim​
Hayley got a paper accepted to the Social and Personality Psychology Compass as part of a special issue on the social psychology of COVID-19. It's called "Goal disruption during COVID-19: Reimagining goals during a global pandemic" and the authors are Hayley, Brittany, and Shana Cole (her advisor)
Ellen was named a UO Environment Initiative Faculty Fellow for 2023-24
Par got to step two of a joint research program. The Title is: “Learning Later in Life: From Description and Prediction to Prevention and Intervention” It is a 6 year 5-million-dollar research program and half of grants that pass into step 2 gets funded (so just getting to round two is something to celebrate).
Michael was just selected to receive the Professional Development Graduate Scholarship from the Division of Graduate Studies
Raleigh defended her prelim paper, “Communicating with Numbers: Challenges and Potential Solutions” and passed with distinction. Once approved, she will advance to candidacy.
Michael had an Extended Presentation accepted at SPUDM. He’s headed for Vienna!
Ariel submitted her first, first author paper! JAMA Derm turned it down, but referred it to JAMA Open for further consideration.
Hayley got a poster award at SPSP!
Hayley and Brittany submitted a manuscript to a special issue of the Social and Personality Psychology Compass, "Goal Disruption During COVID-19: Reimagining Goals During a Global Pandemic"
Hayley gave her first data blitz talk at the SPSP motivation science pre-conference recently gave a 10-minute talk at the Eastern Psychological Association's annual conference in Boston!
Cathy and Dan got a small grant funded though the ASP3IRE
Julie Irwin from UT Austin will join UO in the marketing department!
Successful replication of all four tasks in “Peters et al. (2006). Numeracy and decision making” paper by Zhu and Feldman
Ben got a feature article in the Philippines Communication Society Review
Michael got a revise and resubmit
2022 -
Brittany is giving a presentation "Motivated numeracy? Numeric vs. verbal intelligence and ideological polarization" to the national numeracy network group!
Hayley defended her master's thesis!
CAIDe lab has a new Research Book Library thanks to Dan!
Cathy Slavic arrives to Eugene and CAIDe lab!
Michael Silverstein has his very first first-authored publication accepted!
Reghan got a research plan accepted and will become a phd candidate. The “setup” is unusual but she is super excited!
Dave has a new kitty!
Dave won a Best Paper award from the International Association of Language and Social Psychology and the Journal of Language and Social Psychology! "The deception spiral: Corporate obfuscation leads to perceptions of unethicality and cheating behavior" This award is given out every two years to the top paper published in the journal.
Dan Chapman (PhD UMass Amherst, 2018) will join CAIDe lab later this summer or fall! He comes to UO via Yale Law School and UPenn’s APPC (both with Dan Kahan and Kathleen Hall Jamieson) and most recently via the See Change Institute where he oversaw research strategy and activities involving the application of behavioral science to industry needs in energy, health, & media portfolios.
Thipkanok (Ping) Wongphothiphan successfully defended her dissertation.
Hollie Smith received tenure and promotion to Associate Professor
Caitlin got her faculty mentorship award!
Brittany and her student got two grants for following up on the ability-related polarization work!
Brittany got another new grant - Quarterly Survey for Ohioan Addiction and Mental Health Stigma Campaign Efficacy
Brittany got a new grant - “Leveraging DRVN driver training app to reduce risky driving intentions in novice teen drivers”
Par did a podcast interview!
Dave was selected as an Association for Psychological Science "Rising Star"!
2021 -
Eliza has been featured on the SOJC site for her research!
Dave Markowitz has been appointed the SOJC’s director of assessment
Symposium accepted at AAAS, “Decision-making with large numbers and its underlying psychological mechanisms”. Par will be one of three speakers, and Ellen will be a moderator.
We got a new NSF grant for Virtual Meeting Support for Enhanced Well-Being and Equity for Game Developers
Michael submitted his CPM paper to Health Psychology, and it looks like it went into review!
Eliza got her summer study done in record timing!
We had a symposium on “Decision-making with large numbers and its underlying psychological mechanisms” accepted at the 2022 AAAS conference. Par will give one talk as will Alistair Thorpe from U Utah and Gretchen Chapman at CMU.
Brittany got invited to the Drive Smart Virginia Conference!
We are launching our first Cohort Study at UO!
Ellen is taping a podcast with Steven Pinker this week!
Raleigh got NSF GRFP!
Maxwell Foxman and a team at the SOJC got a seed funding grant called i3. The project is called: “Understanding Collegiate Esports: Economic, Institutional and Cultural Integration.”
Completed USAFacts Competition
Bernardo completed his first full study!
Pär was offered an assistant professor position (senior lecturer)
Pär finished editing a paper he has been working on for a while: Money matters (especially if you are good at math). (Not published but feels like a win to complete the edits).
First UO EPIDeMIC paper is out
Markowitz, D. M., Shoots-Reinhard, B., Peters, E., Silverstein, M. C., Goodwin, R., & Bjälkebring, P. (2021). Dehumanization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 285.
New papers out by Ellen
Peters, E. (in press). Response to “Do the Math” by Joachim I. Krueger. The American Journal of Psychology.
Peters, E. (in press). An overview of “Innumeracy in the Wild.” Numeracy.
Trevena, L.J., Bonner, C., Okan, Y., Peters, E., Gaissmaier, W., Han, P.K.J., Ozanne, E., Timmermans, D., Zikmund-Fisher, B.J. (in press). Current challenges when using numbers in patient decision aids: Advanced concepts. Medical Decision Making.
Max Foxman has a new paper out
Foxman, M. (2020). Punctuated Play: Revealing the Roots of Gamification. Acta Ludologica, 3(2), 54–71.
Tingyu is presenting a paper at the CSCA (Central States Communication Association) Convention
Ellen PI on new grant from USAFacts (“Improving graph comprehension,” $102,836).
New papers out by Ellen
Aldama, A., Bicchieri, C., Freundt, J., Mellers, B., & Peters, E. (in press). How perceptions of autonomy relate to beliefs about inequality and fairness. PLOS ONE.
Bonner, C., Trevena, L.J., Gaissmaier, W., Han, P.K.J., Okan, Y., Ozanne, E., Peters, E., Timmermans, D., Zikmund-Fisher, B.J. (in press). Current best practice for presenting probabilities in patient decision aids: Fundamental principles. Medical Decision Making.
Lee, C.N., Merrill, A.L., & Peters, E. (in press). The role of emotion in surgical decision making: Applying concepts from decision psychology. Annals of Surgery.
2020 -
New paper out by Dave Markowitz
Miner, A. S., Markowitz, D. M.*, Weston, B., & Peterson, B. L. (in press). Examining the examiners: How medical death investigators describe suicidal, homicidal, and accidental death. Health Communication.
Max Foxman is presenting at CHI Play
Hayley's poster was accepted for the Society for Judgment and Decision Making conference (Dec. 9-12)
Pär was selected to be an expert on life satisfaction and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic
A paper by Dr. Peters was just accepted to the Annals of Surgery Journal. Lee, C.N., Merrill, A.L., & Peters, E.(in press). The role of emotion in surgical decision making: Applying concepts from decision psychology. Annals of Surgery.
Ellen gave a talk on what a positive COVID-19 antibody test can tell us about making informed choices:
The Center for Science Communication Research (SCR) is launching its small grants initiative in October! These are small grants for UO faculty/postdocs and under/graduate students who are interested in doing research on science communication - application deadline Friday, October 31st. Use this link for more information:
Jason Zweig discussed Ellen's book in his Saturday Wall Street Journal column. You an Investor or a Gambler? The Stock Market Knows.
Ellen's new paper on incidental affect and appetitive risk behaviors accepted in Health Psychology. (Ferrer, R. A., Taber, J. T., Sheeran, P., Bryan, A. D., Cameron, L. D., Peters, E., Lerner, J.L., Grenen, E., & Klein, W. M. P. (in press). The role of incidental affective states in appetitive risk behavior: A meta-analysis. Health Psychology.)
Hayley's first day of grad school @ Rutgers!
Pär got a paper titled “Basic psychological need satisfaction across the retirement transition: Changes and longitudinal associations with depressive symptoms" accepted for publication in Motivation and Emotion.
Pär and Ellen's chapter "Aging-Related Changes in Decision-Making" is out on the book "In The Aging Consumer: Perspectives from Psychology and Marketing" by Aimee Drolet & Carolyn Yoon
Brittany got a small grant from ODOT (Ohio Department of Transportation) to investigate compliance and knowledge of the Move Over law in Ohio (people are supposed to move over and slow down for flashing lights, but construction workers, tow truck drivers, and first responders are struck and killed by passing cars every year)
Pär got a manuscript accepted in the Journal “Psychology and Aging” titled “Helping out or helping yourself? Volunteering and life satisfaction across the retirement transition”.
Brittany got a new grant from Nationwide Children’s Hospital for the next 9 months.
One of Dave's papers from the previous year was selected by Sage Publishing for academic excellence in publishing.
Dave had 3 papers accepted in the past week:
Sepheri, A., Markowitz, D. M., & Dulcos, R. (in press). The location of maximum emotion in deceptive and truthful texts. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Markowitz, D. M., Kouchaki, M., Hancock, J. T., & Gino, F. (in press). The deception spiral: Corporate obfuscation leads to perceptions of unethicality and cheating behavior. Journal of Language and Social Psychology.
Slovic, P., Mertz, C. K., Markowitz, D. M., Quist, A., & Västfjäll, D. (in press). Virtuous violence from the war room to death row. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Bernardo joins CAIDe Lab!
Michael won 2nd prize in UO’s Science Slam competition for "Feelings Gone Viral: Multiple Roles of Emotions during the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Pär just accepted! “Up and about; well-being during the pandemic in a longitudinal Swedish study” The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences
Dave just accepted "The deception faucet: A metaphor to conceptualize deception and its detection." New Ideas in Psychology.
Raleigh won the 2020 Gregores Graduate Student Research Award
Troy Elias’s paper was accepted: Elias, T., & Hmielowski, J. (in press). Media use, race, and the environment: The converging of environmental attitudes based on self-reported news use. Environmental Values.
Pär Assistant Professor, University of Gothenburg (2-yr appointment)
Autumn Shafer: 2020 UO Early Career Award, an outstanding research award that recognizes “a track record of significant scholarship and emergent recognition and support of such efforts, and a productive and impactful scholarly record”
Ellen Peters NSF Numeracy 5 recommended for funding, $634,975 - Collaboration with Brittany, Michael, Raleigh, Dave
Autumn Shafer and Troy Elias: Tenure and promotion to Associate Professor!
Raleigh and Michael: Completed their first year of graduate school!
Autumn Shafer Funded grant. “Evaluation of Population Based Testing for HBOC and Lynch Syndromes”
5/1/20 – 4/30/25 (5 Years)
Brittany: Started Wave 4 of EPIDeMIC Study!
Dave: Markowitz & Slovic (2020. Social, psychological, and demographic characteristics of dehumanization toward immigrants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Hollie Smith: Grant award from US Geological Survey for “Message effects on diverse socio-economic populations for earthquake early warning communication” - Graduate student Meredith Morgoch is collaborating!
Max Foxman: Grant award to Max and his team from the Wayne Morse Center for “Designing a Serious Game on Wildfires”